Fort Worth Paralegal Association

Holiday Luncheon

The Fort Worth Paralegal Association hosts an annual holiday luncheon for its members and their guests.  There are door prizes and grand prizes donated by our wonderful supporting patrons and others. 

The FWPA Student Scholarship Award is given.  Recognition of officers and committee chairs of the current term and induction of incoming officers and committee chairs are made.  In addition, the Pro Bono Service Award, Community Service Volunteer of the Year Award, and the Paralegal of the Year Award are presented.  The Paralegal of the Year Award is the FWPA's highest esteemed award.

Special Thank You to Michele Rayburn, CP, TBLS-BCP, First Vice-President/Programs, and Susan Davis, TBLS-BCP, for Coordinating the Event and Getting Sponsorship!

Thank You to Our 2023 Donors!

Our holiday event cannot be made possible without the donations and support of our patrons.  Thank you to the following patrons and local businesses and firms for showing your support!

Barnes Video Group

Brookman Law Firm

Brown Proctor & Hhowell

Cantey Hanger

Dandy D Designs

Elite Discovery, Inc./Elite Depositions

Falcon Document Solutions

Harris Law Firm

Juris Medicus

Kelly Hart & Hallman

Law Offices of Dana White

Law Office Jason Smith

Law Offices of Zoe Courtney



MdCondald Sanders

Patterson & Patterson Investigation

Patts Firearm Academy

Patterson Paralegal Services


Michele Rayburn, FWPA Member

Shauna Beach Company

Special Delivery

The Woodmont Group

Trident Fort Worth

US Legal Support


Grand Prizes provided by:

Consilio - Rex Baker

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Thank you for attending this year's Holiday Luncheon

and supporting the Humane Society of North Texas!

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